less than 1 minute read

What I did:

  • Monday: Kaggle work with giant spotify dataset
  • Tuesday: Added use of the Spotify API, spotipy to the notebook.
  • Weds - Sat: Added recommendation system to the notebook. Added 10 pages to my thesis.
  • Saturday: Expored DOGE coin values on Kaggle

What I learned:

  • Monday: A sparkSession includes all the possible sparkContexts. I’ve been using the sql context, mostly. A sparkContext connects your application driver (maybe a jupyter notebook) to a Spark cluster with the help of a Resource Manager (could be Spark Standalone, YARN, or Apache Mesos). Here’s a basic example to get you started.
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[2]").appName("Spotify-Huge-Dataset").getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
df = spark.read.option("header", True).csv(CSV_FILE)

What I will do Next:

  • Thesis writing, writing, writing.
  • Also, I have a bug with the deep embeddings song vectors I’d like to fix if I have time.